Currently, shared mailboxes can be a bottleneck that hinders workflow, typically managed by human agents. Email remains one of the preferred communication channels for businesses, and as the business expands, the challenge of responding to requests grows, demanding more resources to address the needs of clients, suppliers, partners, or collaborators.
Pre-built process automations are solutions that have been revolutionizing the way companies manage and run their daily operations.
Pay as you go" model, with no initial investment in the development of the automations and no need for licensing.
Allows you to delegate to robots repetitive tasks performed by humans to the computer. Free your human resources for functions that require judgment and creativity.
Through their experience and technological expertise, Engibots has developed robots that mimic human actions within shared mailboxes, enabling the processing of low to medium difficulty cases, while special situations (e.g., complaints from dissatisfied customers) are handled by employees. These customizable robots offer the following functionalities:
The robots are provided in an “As a Service” format, with a monthly fee, or in specific cases, within the scope of a project.
By entrusting Engibots with the triage of shared email boxes, not all cases will be resolved, but a significant percentage of responses can be delegated to the robots, allowing employees to focus on responses or tasks that contribute to the effective growth of the business.
These robots can be adapted to the client’s data sources, enabling a seamless integration of triage and response, resulting in even more significant time savings.
Head Office – Portugal
LACS Cascais
Estrada Malveira da Serra, 920
(+351) 919 817 211
Cost of a national mobile call
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A nossa equipa irá entrar em contato para disponibilizar todos os esclarecimento sem qualquer tipo de compromisso.
Our team will get in touch as soon as possible to provide all the information without any commitment.
É um génio da programação e identifica-se com a nossa génese empresarial? Está preparado para encarar um novo desafio profissional? Então envie-nos a sua candidatura!
Are you a programming genius and do you identify with our business genesis? Are you ready to face a new professional challenge? Then send us your application!