Docs Bot – Automated Reading, Manipulation, and Writing of Data from Various Systems

Discover how our robots, specially designed for Excel, Word, Sheets, Docs, and Smartsheet, can automate the insertion and manipulation of documents within your company. Frequently, data is scattered across various systems, and compiling them into a document can often require a substantial effort from your team.

Collaborative tools like Word, Excel, Sheets, Docs, and Smartsheet play a crucial role in the proper functioning of a company, serving a variety of purposes, both internally and externally. However, over the past two decades, numerous business systems have emerged, often leading to the dispersion of information required for document completion across various platforms. This concern becomes even more prominent when documents entail substantial volumes of data and require regular production.

Engibots' robots have the capability to gather data from multiple sources and systems within the company, automating the process of filling out documents, spreadsheets, and sheets of data.

Pre-built Automations

Pre-built process automations are solutions that have been revolutionizing the way companies manage and run their daily operations.

Automation as a service - RPAaaS

Pay as you go" model, with no initial investment in the development of the automations and no need for licensing.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) e IA

Allows you to delegate to robots repetitive tasks performed by humans to the computer. Free your human resources for functions that require judgment and creativity.

Drawing upon its extensive experience and deep technological expertise, Engibots has developed robots capable of simulating human actions when filling out a variety of documents, such as contracts, reports, and spreadsheets. These robots are highly customizable and offer the following features:

  • Extracting data from various sources, including systems, databases, documents, and web pages.
  • Applying rules for data processing and cleansing.
  • Customized document filling.
  • Forwarding documents to shared folders or sending them via email.

Our robots are provided in an “As a Service” format, with a monthly fee, or they can be tailored to specific projects.

By choosing Engibots’ services for document processing, your company can delegate manual and repetitive tasks to robots, allowing your employees to focus on activities that drive effective business growth.

Moreover, our robots can be fine-tuned to seamlessly integrate with client data sources, resulting in an even more substantial time savings.

Cost reduction
0 %
Execution time reduction
0 %
Error reduction
0 %

Explore how your company can save several hundred hours per year by using our robots to automate document filling. Get in touch with our sales team to witness a demonstration of this robot in action and request a quotation.

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