What is Business Process Automation and its relationship with RPA – Robotic Process Automation and AI – Artificial Intelligence

What is Business Process Automation and its relationship with RPA – Robotic Process Automation and AI – Artificial Intelligence

In this article, we will discuss a type of automation that, based on our experience, is the correct way to apply the benefits of this domain in an organization effectively and comprehensively. We have witnessed companies that, by applying the concepts and benefits of automation in this manner, have undergone a significant strategic and cultural change, standing out from the competition by adopting a digital mindset and catalyzing their growth.

Firstly, it is important to clarify the terms. Business Process Automation (BPA) is a domain aimed at adopting process automation at a strategic level within organizations, encompassing a broad scope. It is not limited to the adoption of a tool or the refinement of some processes; it is a new way for entrepreneurs to sustainably consolidate the growth of their organizations, freeing the dependence on human resources so that they can be valued for their intellectual input.

BPA distinguishes itself from isolated adoptions of technologies or personal productivity initiatives by its scope, commitment, and global organizational results. While individual initiatives focus on adding quick fixes that aim to address specific or occasional needs, BPA aims for a transformation with more impact and significance. Implementing BPA involves business engagement, adoption frameworks and strategies, and technology that may target one or more platforms, such as RPA – Robotic Process Automation and AI – Artificial Intelligence, alongside other important vectors to maximize the outcome.

Thus, based on several years of study and work with clients, we have established the following vectors as vital, which should be addressed strategically to allow for an effective adoption of process automation:

  • People: They are the heart of the transformation; without everyone aligning with a change, understanding what it is and how they can benefit from it, nothing will change. People drive change, so it is crucial that they understand the need for it and what will be achieved. Encourage them to improve and drive the company forward in a more effective way. Help them visualize the benefits and the results!
  • Integrations: What bridges need to be built within the organization to complete the processes? They can be technological or interpersonal, between departments. Identify all the necessary bridges, the challenges, and the outcomes of creating them, proposing solutions to build these bridges.
  • Strategy: Automation at the enterprise level vastly differs from isolated automation initiatives. It represents a new way for companies to reinvent themselves and embrace the future of work. Strategic alignment of Business Process Automation with the strategic goals of the company is key to success.
  • Technology: It can either enable or disable these initiatives. Currently, we face two challenges with some tools – scalability and licensing costs! With this in mind, technology must be carefully considered.
  • Security: It is crucial, and a BPA program must opt for active solutions that consolidate and transfer data securely, being one of the vital foundations for this transformative journey.
  • Sustainability: Just like a business model, to be healthy, it must generate relevant margins and not be scaled if it is not sustainable. A BPA program must scale sustainably to ensure a return on investment (ROI).

Business Process Automation is more than just a simple implementation of technology; it is a profound transformation in the way companies operate, embracing innovation and preparing for the future. By focusing on the essential vectors of people, integrations, strategy, technology, security, and sustainability, organizations can not only overcome current challenges but also pave the way for robust and sustainable growth. Engibots remains committed to accompanying companies on this transformative journey, ensuring that the adoption of BPA is as efficient as it is visionary.